New Skellingthorpe Road junction nearing completion at Western Growth Corridor 12 weeks early

15 March 2024

City of Lincoln Council has confirmed that the construction works to create a new signalised junction on Skellingthorpe Road/Birchwood Avenue are shortly due to be completed.

These works form part of the wider infrastructure for the Western Growth Corridor project.

This will mean that the current traffic management system will be removed and the new signalised junction will be in operation for road users, 12 weeks ahead of schedule.

To complete these works, a full road closure and diversion will be in place from 2 April for around three weeks to allow the final road surfacing to be laid. To minimise disruption to traffic this work will be carried out under nighttime working between the hours of 8pm and 6am.

The diversion has been agreed with the local highways authority and Highways England. The route has been designed to minimise disruption to the road network and keep the traffic flowing for all road users.

Early warning notices for this will be displayed from 18 March, ahead of the works commencing.

Access into the petrol station, Subway and Spar shop on Birchwood Avenue will be maintained during this works although access into and out of the petrol station will be via Skellingthorpe Road exit.

Bus services will continue to run and operate around the diversion route.

Maria Clayton, Project Manager at City of Lincoln Council said: “We understand that these works have created some disruption on the highway, and our contractors have co-ordinated the works in a way to cause the least amount of inconvenience possible.

“The council and our contractors Lindum Construction appreciate the continued support from local residents and businesses during this time and we are pleased to report the good news that these works are being completed some 12 weeks earlier than anticipated, and when complete the new signalised traffic junction will be operational, and all traffic management and temporary lights will be removed from Skellingthorpe Road and Birchwood Avenue.”